Time for an alternative to SABA-only asthma rescue treatment



布拉德利E. Chipps, Past President of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & 免疫学 and Medical Director of Capital Allergy & 呼吸 Disease Center in Sacramento, US

来自欧洲和美国的监测数据显示,近一半的哮喘患者在目前的治疗下仍未得到控制.1-3 Patients 与 asthma are at risk of asthma 急性加重 (attacks), 不论年龄大小, 严重程度, 控制者用药依从性, 或者哮喘控制.1,4,5 Exacerbations are a major cause of morbidity and mortality;6 even patients diagnosed 与 mild asthma are at risk of an exacerbation.4


There are an estimated 136 million asthma 急性加重 globally per year,7 the worldwide annual number of emergency room visits due to asthma an estimated 116 million.8 在美国, there are more than 10 million 急性加重 per year,9 结果大于1.急诊科800万人次9 170000年住院治疗上9 超过4000人死亡.9

These attacks are both physically threatening and emotionally significant for many patients10 可能是致命的.11,12

除了情感和身体上的代价, poorly managed asthma also carries a hefty economic and societal burden. 当计算每年在哮喘相关药物和住院费用上的花费时, as well as indirect costs such as lost work and school days, 这不仅给患有这种疾病的人及其家庭带来了巨大压力, 还有医疗保健系统.12

SABA-only approach shown to leave patients at risk of asthma attacks

Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory respiratory disease 与 variable symptoms.6,12 This inflammation drives airway narrowing and 急性加重, resulting in asthma symptoms.13

许多哮喘患者使用短效β -受体激动剂(SABA)抢救吸入器(或支气管扩张剂)。, 例如沙丁胺醇, 来治疗他们的疾病.14-16 Though a SABA provides fast symptom relief, it does not address the underlying inflammation, leaving patients at risk of severe 急性加重.17 Exacerbations that in turn can result in impaired quality of life,18 频繁使用口服皮质类固醇(OCS)19 和住院治疗.19

在美国, 在所有哮喘严重程度中,约44%的患者在12个月内加重一次或多次, 无论SABA或维护使用,20 often requiring a short course of OCS to bring their symptoms under control.21

即使短期治疗OCS加重也与不良健康状况的风险增加有关, 包括2型糖尿病, 抑郁/焦虑, 肾功能损害, 白内障, 心血管病, 肺炎和骨折.6,22,23 These adverse effects can further add to the burden of asthma.

每年使用超过三罐SABA会增加病情恶化的风险, independent of asthma control and maintenance therapy 与 an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS).24,25 Data from the largest real-world observational analysis of asthma inhaler therapy, 沙巴在哮喘中的应用(SABINA), 在欧洲和北美都有, 严重恶化的发生率随着SABA药罐处方/持有的增加而增加, 独立于维持治疗.24,25  来自英国的数据显示,每年使用三个或更多的SABA吸入器会导致轻度哮喘患者病情恶化的风险增加20%,中度至重度哮喘患者的风险增加24%.26

Ensuring clinical guidelines are put into practice

来自全球哮喘倡议(GINA)的国际建议推荐抗炎救援疗法同时治疗症状和炎症, and treatment 与 a SABA alone is no longer recommended.6 美国国家哮喘教育和预防计划(NAEPP)指南有条件地推荐每日低剂量ICS和按需SABA用于快速缓解治疗, 或根据需要将ICS和SABA同时用于12岁及以上轻度持续性哮喘患者,以降低哮喘的风险 急性加重.27

然而, patients become attached to their SABA rescue inhaler, believing it is the best way to control their asthma. 患者的行为低估了每天服用维持性药物的必要性,并在需要时优先考虑快速缓解. 在一项调查中, 90%的患者表示,他们希望治疗能立即缓解症状,34%的患者表示,他们使用的维持性药物较少 (which is usually prescribed alongside their SABA inhaler) when they felt well.28

患者对SABA的早期依赖很快建立起来,因为它通常是第一个开处方的药物,而且因为它 提供了快速 relief from the breathlessness symptoms they experience.29-31 This means that during symptom onset, many patients instinctively reach for their SABA inhaler.

联合使用ICS和支气管扩张剂的基本原理是,这符合患者对按需治疗哮喘方法的偏好, 由日常症状水平驱动,并遵循他们的自然行为,在症状出现时进行治疗. 然而, 同时, it also provides treatment for elevated airway inflammation when it is needed most.29,32


太多哮喘患者的生活因本可预防的病情恶化而中断. 哮喘管理的核心应该是集中于吸入联合药物,既能缓解症状,又能解决潜在的炎症,从而优化患者的预后.

为患者实现更好结果的策略还需要包括提高对单独使用SABA治疗哮喘的风险的认识, 以及仔细监测SABA的使用,以帮助识别那些有未来恶化风险的患者.




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